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Education 4.0: How Did We Get to The Future of Education?

The education systems implemented in most schools today would fall under the definition of Education 2.0, with some pushing and implementing Education 3.0. Education 4.0 a new evolved definition of education that is set for future learners, but how is it different from the existing education?

Education 1.0

Education 1.0 is the most textbook form of education, where there is an authoritarian (Teacher) and there is a passive recipient (Student). It is a Teacher-Centred System where the teacher gives knowledge to the students as the absolute leader and distributor of the classroom. Generally speaking, Education 1.0 is a classroom where there is no technology being used.

Education 2.0

Here comes the first update! Education 2.0 consists of communication and collaboration in the classroom, which initiates peer learning or small group learning. It executes an exam-based approach, where the ultimate goal is the memorisation of knowledge for excellent results in examinations; this exam-based approach underestimates the knowledge learnt from knowledge application. Education 2.0 is also different from Education 1.0 in which technology begins to infiltrate the education process and technology is being used in the most basic ways.

Education 3.0

Education 3.0 is a student-centred approach and the teacher is now a coordinator, advisor, and practice guide. In this version, the goal is no longer that students are taught, but rather that they are learning; a very blurry line that puts the two apart. More advanced classroom methods are applied in this version, where the students do their own research to find knowledge, flipped classroom methods applied, and there is more dialogue and technology available in the classroom. The student is no longer being spoon-fed information, but instead actively driving themselves to find information. The internet now becomes a platform for learning.

Education 4.0

A modern and advanced way of education. Education 4.0 focuses on co-creation and innovation is the centre of all of it. Learning is no longer only something that happens in the classroom, it can be done at home or outside schools. There is a development of personalised teaching and learning so that every student gets the education that they deserve. Technology is easily accessible and there is an increased use of virtual reality with continuous evolution and evolution.

Education 4.0 is the desired approach to learning that aligns itself with the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution. What exactly is the Fourth Industrial Revolution you may ask. The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is an amazing fusion of the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing; all of which are an integral part of our everyday lives.

Where do you want to be?

Most schools still take on an Education 2.0 approach, where there are some activities that require group learning, exams are the main focus of education, and technology is used only to help the teaching process at a minimum. Students who learn under the Education 2.0 (or even 3.0 approach!) are not given enough opportunities to learn and exercise their knowledge, and do not develop enough soft skills like management skills, organisational skills, collaborative skills, time management skills, which is much needed for their employment or further education for the road ahead.

Adopting an Education 4.0 approach ultimately helps your students, and reduces teachers’ workload immensely. Many educational programs and platforms help support the Education 4.0 approach. Fan{task}tic offers a great solution that supports the Education 4.0 approach, Fan{task}tic helps support the management and organisational skills in assignments and learning, and supports the collaborative development of students with its design.